Thursday, April 26, 2018

1.  What does The Lottery or Harrison Bergeron teach us about the nature of bystanders in a time of crisis? They will do nothing
2.  Focus on one negative practice/custom/ritual that takes place in our culture and relate it to one of the stories. Drinking
3.  How does fear in individuals play a major role in repressing societies? If you are scared you are weak
4.  After reading Harrison Bergeron what actions or characteristics allow individuals to break free from controlling communities. Being big and strong or just doing what you know is right
5.  Using one of the stories what does the connections between violence and control suggest about the human species. We are prone to be controlled through violence
6.  How does society define right and wrong? Punish you for wrongs praise you for rights
7.  Who ultimately decides if someone is doing the right thing or not? The person who is doing it

Do you think handicaps are good?
Was diane clampers in the wrong?
Should the lottery be real?

Friday, April 6, 2018

Big White Ghetto

What does the average coal miner make (wages per hour)? 25

Who are some types of people a person might find in the big, “White Ghetto.” Drug addicts coal miners homeless people

Why do you think the author calls it the “Big White Ghetto.” It’s a ghetto full of white people

What does the author suggests “keeps the underclass in place?” 700 dollar a month checks are threatened to be taken if their kids get smart

The author suggests that “poverty is the natural condition ____  __of man kind.

How does Pepsi play into this? The people buy pop with welfare type currency and sell it for cash to buy drugs

List five things/facts you took away from this article.
Women’s life expectancy dropped 1.1% since 1976 in the big white ghetto
Rate of violent crime is half the national average
Rate of overall crime is 2/3 the national average
Poverty rate 40%
Kentucky and west virgina abortion rate is 1/5 that of florida

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lord of The Flies

      1.   I think that society has many ways to “kill” a person without physically killing them. In history there have been many cases of this. In the medieval era if a man or woman has done something very bad they would be banished from a kingdom and basically that person is dead to the society. Another way that this happens is if you commit a terrible crime and serve a life sentence I believe that you are dead to society. I think another one of the modern ways to “kill” a man is Hollywood blacklisting. If you are in Hollywood and you are trying to become a famous actor or actress and you don’t do exactly what one of the higher ups want, you to you may be blacklisted and never seen in the acting society again.

  2.    I think that if we can’t separate our civilized self from our savage self I think that we will be controlled by our savage self. I think that our savage self will take control because humans have always been savages because we used to not let things stop us from getting our way, and we would kill people and things to get what we need. This was all our instinct that kept us alive. Nowadays we are all civilized because we choose to be, and we are trained to be, it is not our natural way of life. Also, if a savage civilized person tried being civilized and reason with a savage the savage would probably just kill the civilized person.

3.I believe that civilization is created when people realize that there needs to be rules to keep people from killing each other off. I think that before there was civilization only the strong survived because they could take from and kill the weak. I also believe that people are controlled by society. Today many people live their lives based of what society tells them or what society makes them think. I think that the society in the United States is so messed up because people are starting to think there are more than 2 genders but that’s besides the point.
1. simon hiding in the woods. 2. hiding in the woods 3. because simon was the only one hiding in the woods 4. because he was the only one

Thursday, February 8, 2018


1. 18-24 months
2. 110,000
3. Burma and Iraq
4. 39,000 Muslims
5. California, Texas, and New York
6. The first thing that caught my eye was that Europe had the most refugees in the 1990s, the second thing was how many refugees have been Asians over the whole graph, then it was how many refugees we had all together in 1980
7. how many muslims we allowed in 04, how there are hardly any more unknowns
8. 9/11
9. It has shifted from Europe to Africa to Asia. Bhutan.
10. Ukranian refugees just popped up in the northwest heavy. Wyoming almost has no refugees most years. Most of the Midwestern states all have the same country that leads refugee counts.
11. 50,000
12. March was the lowest month everywhere
13. 60 million.
14. 12.5 million.

15. Norway and Switzerland.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Boy Play

This article is very informative, and I am very glad that I read it. I never knew that the Afghanistan soldiers that we were in an alliance with sexual abused young boys every day. The whole thing being called Bacha Bazi, literally meaning boy play is so messed up. I bet that this tradition will last for a very long time because just like sexual abuse cases in the united states most cases when someone is sexually abused the abuser had been abused when they were younger and are now channeling that into abusing others.

I think that if I were in the same shoes as the American marines that were there hearing the bacha bazi happening I would have been so uncomfortable living there that I would have had to do something about it.  If I were them I would have went from a country where it is illegal to have sexual relations with a 17-year-old boy if you are 18 and now there are 30,40, even 50-year-old men that sexual abuse young boys daily. If I were in the shoes of these soldiers there would have been a lot more “accidental friendly fire.” There is so much psychological trauma associated with sexual abuse I bet that most of the boys turn basically into zombies and then when they get older they start playing the game. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Barnga The Yez Game

If you could describe the game in one word, what would it be?
Answer: YEZ
What did you expect at the beginning of the game?
Answer : It would be a real game
When did you realize that something was wrong?
Answer: Immediately
How did you deal with it?
Answer: Just chilled
How did not being able to speak contribute to what you were feeling?
Answer: Couldn’t tell anyone off made me mad
 Is my title above appropriate for the game of "culture."  Why or why not?
Answer: Yes because sometimes you don’t understand other cultures like you didn’t understand this
 Is a universal language and set of customs necessary for world peace and harmony?
Answer: I think so
 What can a simple card game teach us about our culture?

Answer: It varies a lot from place to place

Monday, January 15, 2018

Freaks and Geeks

What are the groups and what functions do they serve? Are there negative influences from any of the groups (dysfunctions)? This is functional theory. It was developed by Emile Durkheim. 

Answer: There are freaks and there are geeks, the freaks that are the outcast rebels and then there are the geeks who are pretty much just trying to survive the bullying and highschool itself and for the freaksAll the straight and narrows think that they are burnouts 

Who has power in the episode? How or why do they have power? How do they use it? This is conflict theory. It was first developed by Karl Marx. 

Answer:  The bully has power in the episode because he can use his strength to control the geeks

What are the important symbols in the episode? Note that the symbols might be an object, but also might be an idea, an event or something else. How do the characters act based on the symbols they find important? This is symbolic interactionism. You can connect it to Max Weber.

Answer: The homecoming dance is a big symbol because it is the reason that people used to ask out other people in the episode

Can you relate any of these theories to your own life? How can the things you do be interpreted through one of these theories? For example why do you wear what you wear or why are you going to college or why do you stress yourself out to get "good" grades?

Answer: yes. i stress myself out to get good grades so that i can try to keep senior privileges