Thursday, November 30, 2017

Efficiency Gap

1.       How often are legislative boundaries redrawn? Every decade after the census

2.       Who selects the committee that does the work? The speaker of the house and the senate president pro tempore

3.       The last redistricting committee had how many Senators?  How many Representatives? Seven, eight

4.       Of the 15 total people how many were Democrats?  How many were Republicans? Three democrats 12 republicans

5.       What is the efficiency gap? A complex math problem that is supposed to determine whether gerrymandering is real or not

6.       What district is Langford in? 2

7.       How many of our district's representatives were Democrats? 0

8.       What % of voters are registered Democrats in South Dakota?  Republicans? 34% democrat 50% republican

9.       In 2018 South Dakota one of the main issues voters will vote on will be what? The current redistricting process

10.   If passed  (it failed last year) what would the changes to the committee be? It would be an independent commission

11.   How many people does the committee try to group in a district?  (within 5% anyways) 23262

12.   Do you think is good, bad, or unnecessary and explain why you feel that way. good the old system is terrible

13.   Look at the maps in the article.  What are 10 things changes/things that have changed over the years that surprised you/you learned from the maps/or possible questions you now have.  (You must use the maps for these),

a.       district 28 was huge
b.       district 6 was big then tiny
c.       district 2 got way bigger
d.       district 29 moved far
e.       district 27 changed then almost changed back
f.        district 5 was big then tiny
g.       why is district 28 huge and then divided into 28a and 28b
h.       also why is 26 split into a and b
i.         district 1 stayed pretty much the same

j.         21 went from tiny to big

Monday, November 13, 2017

Stress Affects Parenting

Stress Affects Parenting

        I read an article about the effects of stress on parenting, and this is what I have found out. In the article it states that there are major effects on parenting from stress. One of the things that stress effects parenting is when the parent has stress they are more likely to use harsher discipline and they are less likely to show affection and teach their child to know how to react to stress and how to problem solve. Stress makes parents have less gumption than parents without stress, therefore parents who are really stressed out are more likely to have worse parenting habits than parents with less stress. For example, when a parent with stress’s child is trying to do something but they cant and they are getting frustrated a stressed out parent is more likely to do it for them instead of sitting down and teaching them how to do it and to problem solve. Children of parents that have more stress are far more likely to have problems with stress and to be worse at problem solving and taking care of themselves. Also when parents are very stressed out they are going to respond slower to their kids. They also might give them what they want and let them do whatever they want just to keep them occupied because when people are stressed out it is hard to get the things done that need to be done to keep the child happy and healthy.