Monday, November 28, 2016


Busted: How a $2 Roadside Drug Test Sends Innocent People to Jail

Thousands of people have been busted for drugs because of a 2$ roadside drug test that has proven faulty many times. 

Amy Albritton was pulled over and the cops pulled a crumb off her floor of her car and tested it for crack cocaine and it came back positive. Acne Wash, household chemicals, methadone and other things trip off the test that they used which would prove that the test is faulty. Another reason why it can be faulty is bc cops may get a wrong reading from lighting and/or temperature. 

This took place in 2016. 
This is investigated because thousands of people have been taken to jail for faulty drug tests and people like Amy Albritton with no criminal record get busted for drugs when they actually had a piece of food with cleaner on it in the test.Image result for cocaine roadside drug test tube


  1. I think they should find a better way of testing for drugs since this has been false multiple times, but good blog.

  2. I think they should look for people
    giving faulty drugs tests more often

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
