Thursday, December 8, 2016

Preparedness Movement
By Lincoln Dinger

                I agree with the leaders of the preparedness movement that we should have our forces ready to go to war and aid Great Britain in the fight verses Germany. In 1915 the leaders of the movement persuaded the United States Government to set up training camps all over the United States to get men ready for combat if we had to enter the war. In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson persuaded the United States Government to input a large increase in our armed forces. I Think that the leaders of the preparedness movement were right in their views because if worse came to worse we would be ready. Another reason I agree with the preparedness movement is because if we followed the peace movement and we had to enter the war we would not be as ready as we were with the preparedness movement.   I disagree with the United States Government on Neutrality because we are allied with Great Britain and some others. The United States government disagreed with both sides of the war.     He thought that they were both wrong and they shouldn’t have gone to war. Antimilitarists and pacifists are strongly against the preparedness movement because they think that war is never right and they shouldn’t be spending any time or any money on the military or war. The main reason for the program was because we were in no shape for war. We had no poison gas weapons and or tanks. We also had no experience with trench warfare.

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