Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Gay Couple

I think that the court case that the gay couple started was a complete waste of money and time. A photographer has a right to refuse service to whoever he wants to, no matter the circumstance. The gay couple should have taken the answer know and find a new photographer to take their pictures. If I were a photographer and a gay couple asked me to take their pictures, I would probably also refuse service because it could cause a loss of business because other people that want you to take their pictures may not want you to if they saw that you were taking pictures of a gay marriage. The court has no way of helping a person that wants somebody to do something for them. I feel that this is one of the big reasons why homosexuals have a bad reputation. When people see that a gay couple are making a big deal out of nothing and costing people and themselves time and money they think that all homosexuals are as ignorant and childish as this couple. If everybody that has ever been refused service took it to court there would have to be new laws to stop this waste of time and money. 

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