Thursday, January 18, 2018

Barnga The Yez Game

If you could describe the game in one word, what would it be?
Answer: YEZ
What did you expect at the beginning of the game?
Answer : It would be a real game
When did you realize that something was wrong?
Answer: Immediately
How did you deal with it?
Answer: Just chilled
How did not being able to speak contribute to what you were feeling?
Answer: Couldn’t tell anyone off made me mad
 Is my title above appropriate for the game of "culture."  Why or why not?
Answer: Yes because sometimes you don’t understand other cultures like you didn’t understand this
 Is a universal language and set of customs necessary for world peace and harmony?
Answer: I think so
 What can a simple card game teach us about our culture?

Answer: It varies a lot from place to place

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