Thursday, November 30, 2017

Efficiency Gap

1.       How often are legislative boundaries redrawn? Every decade after the census

2.       Who selects the committee that does the work? The speaker of the house and the senate president pro tempore

3.       The last redistricting committee had how many Senators?  How many Representatives? Seven, eight

4.       Of the 15 total people how many were Democrats?  How many were Republicans? Three democrats 12 republicans

5.       What is the efficiency gap? A complex math problem that is supposed to determine whether gerrymandering is real or not

6.       What district is Langford in? 2

7.       How many of our district's representatives were Democrats? 0

8.       What % of voters are registered Democrats in South Dakota?  Republicans? 34% democrat 50% republican

9.       In 2018 South Dakota one of the main issues voters will vote on will be what? The current redistricting process

10.   If passed  (it failed last year) what would the changes to the committee be? It would be an independent commission

11.   How many people does the committee try to group in a district?  (within 5% anyways) 23262

12.   Do you think is good, bad, or unnecessary and explain why you feel that way. good the old system is terrible

13.   Look at the maps in the article.  What are 10 things changes/things that have changed over the years that surprised you/you learned from the maps/or possible questions you now have.  (You must use the maps for these),

a.       district 28 was huge
b.       district 6 was big then tiny
c.       district 2 got way bigger
d.       district 29 moved far
e.       district 27 changed then almost changed back
f.        district 5 was big then tiny
g.       why is district 28 huge and then divided into 28a and 28b
h.       also why is 26 split into a and b
i.         district 1 stayed pretty much the same

j.         21 went from tiny to big

Monday, November 13, 2017

Stress Affects Parenting

Stress Affects Parenting

        I read an article about the effects of stress on parenting, and this is what I have found out. In the article it states that there are major effects on parenting from stress. One of the things that stress effects parenting is when the parent has stress they are more likely to use harsher discipline and they are less likely to show affection and teach their child to know how to react to stress and how to problem solve. Stress makes parents have less gumption than parents without stress, therefore parents who are really stressed out are more likely to have worse parenting habits than parents with less stress. For example, when a parent with stress’s child is trying to do something but they cant and they are getting frustrated a stressed out parent is more likely to do it for them instead of sitting down and teaching them how to do it and to problem solve. Children of parents that have more stress are far more likely to have problems with stress and to be worse at problem solving and taking care of themselves. Also when parents are very stressed out they are going to respond slower to their kids. They also might give them what they want and let them do whatever they want just to keep them occupied because when people are stressed out it is hard to get the things done that need to be done to keep the child happy and healthy. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Mass shootings article

Young Male Syndrome
                The main point of this article is to explain to everyone why young men are more likely to perform acts of violence and aggression, or more likely and do perform more mass shootings than women and older men. Studies have shown that young men are far more likely to do something violent than women or older men because they have much higher levels of testosterone and testosterone is linked to aggression and violent behavior. Young men have always thought that they have to repeatedly prove their “manliness or manhood.” When this is brought up to young men they know exactly what is being talked about but women have no feelings of proving womanhood or womanliness.
                There was an experiment done to prove that guns can be a bad thing and cause violent or aggressive behavior. The first test subject they put a young man in a room and gave him a gun and told him to take it apart and to make a list of how to put it back together. They also gave another man in a different room the game mousetrap and told him to take it apart and make a list on how to put it back together. Then they gave both of them hot sauce and told them to put some in the water that somebody was going to drink. The man that used the gun for his experiment had put way more hot sauce in the water than the man who used the game. Also, the guy who had the gun had way higher levels of testosterone than the man with the game.

                I think that young men are far more likely to do a mass shooting because of this article. Another piece of evidence that I agree with was when a young man bought a pistol for the first time he felt like he had power and had thoughts of “who is the alpha male know?”

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Gay Couple

I think that the court case that the gay couple started was a complete waste of money and time. A photographer has a right to refuse service to whoever he wants to, no matter the circumstance. The gay couple should have taken the answer know and find a new photographer to take their pictures. If I were a photographer and a gay couple asked me to take their pictures, I would probably also refuse service because it could cause a loss of business because other people that want you to take their pictures may not want you to if they saw that you were taking pictures of a gay marriage. The court has no way of helping a person that wants somebody to do something for them. I feel that this is one of the big reasons why homosexuals have a bad reputation. When people see that a gay couple are making a big deal out of nothing and costing people and themselves time and money they think that all homosexuals are as ignorant and childish as this couple. If everybody that has ever been refused service took it to court there would have to be new laws to stop this waste of time and money. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

1st Lie

My first lie was when I was outside playing by this 3 foot deep hole in our yard and there was always snakes in it and my mom told me and my sisters to never go inside it but I did. Then I told her I didn't but she was watching me and she knew I did.

First Memory

My very first memory was living at our old house near Claremont and it was winter. My dad had my snow sled hooked up behind his snow mobile and he was pulling me around. I remember this so much because it was the first time I ever let him pull me around and I remember falling off and I thought it was fun falling off so I kept diving off on purpose.

My Amendment

28th Amendment

After one year from the ratification of this article every citizen in the United States of America shall stand and hold their right hand over their heart and look at the flag present during the National Anthem or shall be fined a minimum of 100 dollars and a maximum of 5000 depending on the instance of infringement.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Image result for classical conditioning ads
Unconditioned stimulus :Pretty Girl
Conditioned stimulus :axe body spray
Unconditioned response : excitement about the pretty girl
Conditioned stimulus :  excitement about the body spray
The 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment which ended the prohibition era and made it legal for people to ingest and distribute alcoholic beverages. This amendment is important today because alcoholic beverages and bars are huge businesses and lots of people drink alcohol. I think the only current issues with this amendment are crimes committed while on alcohol and DUI.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
mice having opioid and alcohol  withdrawal symptoms other mice around them are having .

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
It doesn’t say

3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen?


5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

 induce withdrawal

6- How did the subjects react?

 they had a lower pain tolerance

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?


1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

How to block the enzyme that forms on genes and blocks the ability to create memories: the research was about finding a cure for Alzheimer’s.

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
They used mice to test the drug and they studied the levels of the enzyme that causes Alzheimer’s in 58 human brains

3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen?
The mice chosen had Alzheimer’s and the people were chosen based on their enzyme levels.

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
The drug worked on the mice

6- How did the subjects react?

 The mice with Alzheimer’s gained back their memory making ability

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
How sleep deprivation leads to more negative feelings than positive.

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen?
If they were healthy.

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

6- How did the subjects react?
They didn’t

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?
There was no reaction

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
People feeling no pain as they are injured while sleepwalking.

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
Forty seven

3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen?
If they had an injury while sleepwalking

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

6- How did the subjects react?
They didnt

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

There was no action

Thursday, August 24, 2017

First Assignment

My favorite word is dismantle.
My least favorite word is moist.
I like where I live.
I don't like being a minor.
Funny Witty Silly

I would like to understand what exactly psychology is about and what we will talk about a lot. If we talk a lot about the human brain I think that this will be a very interesting class to take. I think it will be interesting to learn about why and how our brain works. One of the few things that i am interested in is learning why a person that has cerebral palsy cannot control his muscles like i can. Also i would like to learn why people react the way they close their eyes when there is a really loud noise. Another reason why i would like to study psychology is to see if it can further my understanding of why people act the way they do or think the way they do which will make it easier for me to get along with everybody. Also I would like to learn about different ways people are hypnotized into doing things they wouldn’t normally do. I also think that it will be a great class to be in because it will help me out if I have to take a college psychology I will already have a foundation to build on.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Asia Auschwitz

I think that the biological warfare unit 731 was a horrible war crime/crime against humanity. Shiro Ishii was a very evil man. When I was reading I thought okay so he was a leader of biological warfare, so what, he can make mustard gas and atom bombs, I was very wrong.
The first thing that caught my attention was when it said he had taken Chinese prisoners and used them as live test subjects. They cut them open with no anesthesia and cut out livers, kidneys, stomachs, and even the womb of women. I can only imagine what that would be like.
                Another thing was the disease bombs and poison delivery. They made bombs that had fleas in them that fed on rats infected with typhoid, cholera, and even venereal disease like syphilis. They had bombs that had water borne cholera that they dropped on water supplies and reservoirs. These are some of the most evil things I have ever heard of in the history of the whole world. They dropped care packages with clothes, food, and water on villages in china that were laced with all of these diseases.
                Then, if that wasn’t enough they tied people to stakes and trees to test out grenades, and other sorts of weaponry. I can’t how many human bones are buried somewhere underneath of unit 731.
                I believe that the U.S. government was very wrong when they made the deal to let Shiro Ishii and all other participants of unit 731 be free. I understand that the United States wanted to get the technology and information from the lab but to let these men be free, that was a huge mistake. They teach us that the worst genocide was the holocaust of the jews, but I think this tops that by 3 or 4 folds.
                They had labs with workers running them 24 hours a day discovering ways to farm these bacteria and diseases to create widespread death throughout china. Today you can still go to a museum to see body parts and a full human body cut into pieces in huge jars of formaldehyde pickled like a fish.
                If it were up to me back then I would have made the deal with Japan and then took the technology and brought it to the United States where we could have perfected it and made it more effective and efficient. Then we should have made taken their own technology and use it against them. I mean huge bomber planes stacked with huge bombs, canisters, and dissolve tablets made from cholera, typhoid, and syphilis disease, and taken them straight back to japan dropping the atom bombs on major cities, canisters filled with diseased fleas all over the countryside wiping out every type of livestock they had. Then drop giant dissolve tablets mad from cyanide and nuclear matter into every water reservoir stream and lake throughout the entire country. Then maybe Japan would feel sorry and ashamed of the crimes they committed throughout the war.

Lincoln Dinger